
Eric Aude Is A Funny Dude

From his blog:
I meet a few interesting characters like this chick who played Jan on the Brady Bunch movie, whose married, but keeps hinting that she wants me to perform oral sex on her, and I outlast 75 percent of the field. 3 tables left, I’ve a little over 38k when I’ve got KK. Finally, jesus christ, a fucking hand. Some clueless cockfuck makes it 6k. I call. I never go all in with this fucking hand. Nasa did a study a few years back on the affects of pocket Kings in Zero Gravity. They concluded a fucking ace will still come out on the flop. So I just call. Heads up, the flop is 555, he continuation bets 6k, i move all in, he instant calls with AK. Turns a Q, rivers a fucking 5. God Damn Poker man. That’s fucking normal. I’m going bowling.


Memphis MOJO said...

He never said if he went down on her or not, geeze.

baglife said...

"But it's still worth a shot. I'm living expense free for the next 8 months so I might put like $4500 online and take a legit shot and playing like a semi-pro and seeing how much I can build it."

That's awesome man. Please keep updated on your blog and keep us updated on how everything goes. That's a very nice chunk of change to give yourself a good shot at legit semi-pro.